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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - agreement


Связанные словари


 noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the act or fact of agreeing  b. harmony of opinion, action, or character ; concord  2.  a. an arrangement as to a course of action  b. compact, treaty  3.  a. a contract duly executed and legally binding  b. the language or instrument embodying such a contract
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  n. 1 the act of agreeing; the holding of the same opinion (reached agreement). 2 mutual understanding. 3 an arrangement between parties as to a course of action etc. 4 Gram. having the same number, gender, case, or person. 5 a state of being harmonious. Etymology: ME f. OF (as AGREE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) соглашение 2) совпадение (напр. результатов измерений) to be in agreement to better than — ... совпадать с погрешностью менее...; to bring into agreement — согласовывать, приводить в соответствие - air navigation agreement - bilateral air transport agreement - blocked space agreement - close agreement - fares and rates agreement - international agreement - pooling agreement - pool agreement - poor agreement - supply agreement ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  соглашение; договор as per agreement by mutual agreement cost plus fee agreement fee plus expense agreement owner-architect agreement owner-contractor agreement ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) договор; контракт 2) соглашение 3) грам. согласование 4) согласие 5) совпадение to be in agreement with — согласовываться с - binding agreement - close agreement - closeness of agreement - coefficient of agreement - complete agreement - enforceable agreement - fiducial agreement - measure of agreement - order-of-magnitude agreement - rescind agreement - rough agreement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  соглашение, договор см. franchise agreement c gray1) – agreement about restrictions – agreement to bargain – to dissolve an agreement – to enter into an agreement – to rescind an agreement – agreement to sell – agreement of lawsuit – arbitration agreement – assignment agreement – bilateral agreement – business agreement – collateral agreement – commodity agreement – contractual agreement – cross-licensing agreement – distributorship agreement – domestic licensing agreement – draft agreement – foreign licensing agreement – exclusive dealing agreement – illegal agreement – implied agreement – indemnity agreement – interference agreement – international agreement – international licensing agreement – know-how licensing agreement – lawful agreement – license agreement – market-sharing agreement – multilateral agreement – nondisclosure agreement – offsetting agreement – option agreement – oral agreement – overseas agreement – patent and license agreement – patent exchange agreement – patent license agreement – payments agreement – pooling agreement – preliminary agreement – price fixing agreement – project agreement – provisional agreement – reciprocal agreement – restrictive agreement – sublicense agreement – submission agreement – tacit agreement – technical assistance licensing agreement – technology transfer agreement – trade agreement – trade and payments agreement – transfer agreement – trusteeship agreement – verbal agreement – written agreement AGREEMENT сущ. 1) соглашение, договор, контракт см. тж. contract 2) вариант, проект, план 3) образец 4) сделка, соглашение см. тж. bargain • - ABC agreement - Breton Woods Agreement - Buttonwood Tree Agreement - Common Monetary Agreement - European Monetary Agreement - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - JV agreement - Jamaica Agreement - London Debt Agreement - Rio Agreement -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. соглашение, договор collective agreement —- коллективный договор armistice agreement —- соглашение о перемирии procedural agreement —- соглашение по процедурным вопросам as part of the agreement —- в рамках соглашения 2. согласие; договоренность by mutual agreement —- по взаимному согласию agreement of opinion —- единомыслие in agreement with smth. —- в соответствии с чем-л agreement among the members —- единство мнений среди членов agreement in principle —- дип. принципиальная договоренность to be in agreement with smb. —- соглашаться с кем-л to come to an agreement on smth. with smb. —- прийти к соглашению по какому-л вопросу с кем-л; договориться о чем-л с кем-л to reach agreement with smb. —- достигнуть договоренности с кем-л these is very little agreement about what to do —- нет единства мнений о том, что делать that seemed to be in excellent agreement with his calculations —- это, видимо, вполне совпадало с его расчетами 3. грам. согласование 4. спец. согласие, совпадение agreement by order of magnitude —- совпадение по порядку величины ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) (взаимное) согласие agreement of opinion - единомыслие to come to an agreement - прийти к соглашению  2) договор, соглашение; сдельная плата  3) gram. согласование Syn: see covenant ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (agreements) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An agreement is a formal decision about future action which is made by two or more countries, groups, or people. It looks as though a compromise agreement has now been reached... The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites. N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, N prep 2. Agreement on something is a joint decision that a particular course of action should be taken. The two men had not reached agreement on any issues... ? disagreement N-UNCOUNT: oft N on n 3. Agreement with someone means having the same opinion as they have. The judge kept nodding in agreement... ? disagreement N-UNCOUNT • If you are in agreement with someone, you have the same opinion as they have. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, v PHR, oft PHR with n 4. Agreement to a course of action means allowing it to happen or giving it your approval. The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement. = consent N-UNCOUNT • If you are in agreement with a plan or proposal, you approve of it. The president was in full agreement with the proposal. PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu PHR with n 5. If there is agreement between two accounts of an event or two sets of figures, they are the same or are consistent with each other. Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures. = concurrence N-UNCOUNT 6. In grammar, agreement refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun it relates to. = concord N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ S1 W1 n 1 an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more companies, governments, organizations etc  (a trade agreement) + on  (an agreement on arms reduction) reach an ~  (What happens if the warring parties fail to reach an agreement?) under an ~  (Under the Sino-British agreement, Hong Kong will come under Chinese rule in 1997.) have an ~ that  (We had an agreement that Ms Holst would keep me informed of any changes.) 2 a situation in which people have the same opinion as each other + tha  (There is agreement among doctors that pregnant women should not smoke.) + on  (Is there agreement on how much aid will be sent?) be in ~  (A decision will not be made until everyone is in agreement.) 3 an official document that people sign to show that they have agreed to something  (Please read the agreement and sign it.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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